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Tom Cat, the agitator


Tom Cat, the agitator

       In the name of Allah,

       I’m a poor mullah          

       His Great Heinous Spirit, Our leader,

       Now is in Paris to lee there

       Son of the Indian Beach,

       He holds pretentious speech

       He’ll not practise as he may preach,

       But stick to the power as a leech

       He’ll blow the doom’s day bridge,

       And lead us to the deepest ditch

       As though a politician of Cambridge,

       Gives him a daily pinch!

       As a man of pious,

       He ain’t free from bias

       The aim sanctifies the means,

       To us all pimps he pins

       But, there’s not with him any foul,

       As a square peg in a round hole

       As a kid, he played football,

       But now, he’s an ass-hole

       He speaks lingo without delaying

       As though a donkey’s braying

       A mixture of the Persian and Arabic,

       Makes head or tail a fanatic

       What he says one day shall come true,

       But believing him, you have to rue.